CTopologyRefiner::AdaptiveOptions | Adaptive refinement options |
CBufferDescriptor | BufferDescriptor is a struct which describes buffer elements in interleaved data buffers. Almost all Osd Evaluator APIs take BufferDescriptors along with device-specific buffer objects |
CPatchMap::QuadNode::Child | |
CRefinement::ChildTag | |
CCLEvaluator | |
CCLStencilTable | OpenCL stencil table |
CCLVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for OpenCL subvision |
►CConstArray< TYPE > | |
CArray< TYPE > | |
►CConstArray< Index > | |
CArray< Index > | |
CCpuD3D11VertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for Cpu subvision and DirectX drawing |
CCpuEvaluator | |
CCpuGLVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for cpu subvision and OpenGL drawing |
CCpuPatchTable | Cpu patch table |
CCpuVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for cpu subvision |
CCrease | Types, constants and utilities related to semi-sharp creasing – whose implementation is independent of the subdivision scheme |
CFVarLevel::CreaseEndPair | |
CCudaEvaluator | |
CCudaStencilTable | CUDA stencil table |
CCudaVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for Cuda subvision |
CD3D11ComputeEvaluator | |
CD3D11StencilTable | D3D11 stencil table |
CD3D11VertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for DirectX subvision and DirectX drawing |
CEdgeInterface | |
CEvaluatorCacheT< EVALUATOR >::Entry | |
CFVarLevel::ETag | |
CLevel::ETag | |
CEvaluatorCacheT< EVALUATOR > | |
CFaceInterface | |
CLevel::FTag | |
CTopologyDescriptor::FVarChannel | |
CFVarLevel | |
CFVarRefinement | |
CGLComputeEvaluator | |
CGLSLPatchShaderSource | |
CGLStencilTableSSBO | GL stencil table (Shader Storage buffer) |
CGLStencilTableTBO | GL TextureBuffer stencil table |
CGLVertexBuffer | Concrete vertex buffer class for GLSL subvision and OpenGL drawing |
CGLXFBEvaluator | |
CHLSLPatchShaderSource | |
CLevel | |
CLimitStencilTableFactory | A specialized factory for LimitStencilTable |
CScheme< SCHEME_TYPE >::LocalMask< WEIGHT > | |
CLimitStencilTableFactory::LocationArray | Descriptor for limit surface locations |
►CMeshInterface< PATCH_TABLE > | |
CNonCopyable< T > | |
►CNonCopyable< CLPatchTable > | |
CCLPatchTable | CL patch table |
►CNonCopyable< CudaPatchTable > | |
CCudaPatchTable | CUDA patch table |
►CNonCopyable< D3D11LegacyGregoryPatchTable > | |
CD3D11LegacyGregoryPatchTable | |
►CNonCopyable< D3D11PatchTable > | |
CD3D11PatchTable | |
►CNonCopyable< GLLegacyGregoryPatchTable > | |
CGLLegacyGregoryPatchTable | |
►CNonCopyable< GLPatchTable > | |
CGLPatchTable | |
COmpEvaluator | |
CPatchTableFactory::Options | |
CStencilTableFactory::Options | |
COptions | All supported options applying to subdivision scheme |
CRefinement::Options | |
CTopologyRefinerFactory< MESH >::Options | Options related to the construction of each TopologyRefiner |
CPatchArray | |
CPatchCoord | Coordinates set on a patch table |
CPatchDescriptor | Describes the type of a patch |
CPatchTableFactory::PatchFaceTag | |
CPatchTable::PatchHandle | Handle that can be used as unique patch identifier within PatchTable |
CPatchMap | An quadtree-based map connecting coarse faces to their sub-patches |
►CPatchParam | Local patch parameterization descriptor |
CPatchParam | |
CPatchTable | Container for arrays of parametric patches |
CPatchTableFactory | |
CPrimvarRefiner | Applies refinement operations to generic primvar data |
CPtexIndices | Object used to compute and query ptex face indices |
CRefinement | |
CRefinement::Relations | |
CScheme< SCHEME_TYPE > | Scheme is a class template which provides all implementation for the subdivision schemes supported by OpenSubdiv through specializations of the methods of each. An instance of Scheme<SCHEME_TYPE> includes a set of Options that will dictate the variable aspects of its behavior |
CSchemeTypeTraits | Traits associated the types of all subdivision schemes – parameterized by the scheme type. All traits are also defined on the scheme itself |
CSparseSelector | |
CRefinement::SparseTag | |
CStackBuffer< TYPE, SIZE > | |
►CStencil | Vertex stencil descriptor |
CLimitStencil | Limit point stencil descriptor |
►CStencilTable | Table of subdivision stencils |
CLimitStencilTable | Table of limit subdivision stencils |
CStencilTableFactory | A specialized factory for StencilTable |
CTbbEvaluator | |
CTopologyDescriptor | Descriptor for raw topology data, provided as a convenience with a corresponding Factory. It should be functionally complete and simple to use, but for more demanding situations, writing a custom Factory is likely warranted |
CTopologyLevel | TopologyLevel is an interface for accessing data in a specific level of a refined topology hierarchy. Instances of TopologyLevel are created and owned by a TopologyRefiner, which will return const-references to them. Such references are only valid during the lifetime of TopologyRefiner that created and returned them, and only for a given refinement, i.e. if the TopologyRefiner is re-refined, any references to TopoologyLevels are invalidated |
CTopologyRefiner | Stores topology data for a specified set of refinement options |
►CTopologyRefinerFactoryBase | Private base class of Factories for constructing TopologyRefiners |
CTopologyRefinerFactory< MESH > | Factory for constructing TopologyRefiners from specific mesh classes |
CTopologyRefiner::UniformOptions | Uniform refinement options |
CFVarLevel::ValueSpan | |
CFVarLevel::ValueTag | |
CVertexInterface | |
CLevel::VTag | |